Wednesday, November 2, 2011

90 paintings in 90 days, Day 31, Mamo

     Puppies simply have to be cute to survive. If  a person chewed off the end of a quilt and pulled all the stuffing out, they would just have to move out. This little guy burns up all his energy chasing something seriously important like a gum wrapper, then passes out face down in the doorway. Time management isn't remotely part of his world. He is so happy that he wags fur off his tail. No kidding, his fur is wearing thin from exuberant wagging. I'd like to have half his energy, even if it meant jumping up and down for no apparent reason and doing naughty things. 

     First 30 days
      I've avoided ranting about what actually makes this project feel like a marathon, but here it is. It is way harder than I thought it would be. I'm a slow painter because I don't draw naturally well. I really have to work at it. I should have done a drawing everyday for a year before starting this. I stand up to paint simply because it's faster and my back would whine if I sat for six or seven hours a day leaning forward at an easel so my feet hurt instead. Some days I feel about as inspired as a banana slug. I'm at the point where I can't judge my own work very well, being critical apparently takes time and setting a deadline means I have to post something whether I'm satisfied or not. I see ways to improve all of them and so far I'm only completely happy with one of them. Plus I have the time management skills of a puppy on my best day. I never guessed that staying organized would be so absolutely necessary.
     Friends have asked to buy them or put them on Ebay for auction, but I can't do that right now. If they didn't sell I might loose my enthusiasm. As a learning project that has turned into a spiritual journey requiring me to forge the depths of my soul for motivation I doubt my fragile ego could survive public apathy. They'll be for sale eventually, after I've moved on to another project. Some of them may need to be used for ho'okupu (see day 30), to request divine inspiration. Only two months to go.   

1 comment:

  1. I love your paintings! You have a lovely style. I'm living here on Molokai too and it's fun to see paintings of the local area. Good luck with the rest of the paintings! I'll be following along on your blog:-)
